Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Everything I Need to Survive in Med School I Learned in Kindergarten

1. Don't cut in line (especially for senior schedule appointments...not nice)
2. Don't be afraid to ask for help (for that IV on the Hepatitis C dude that you can't seem to get)
3. Be careful with sharp objects (like your suture-cutting scissors during a surgery)
4. Listen when others are talking to you (comes in handy with taking a history from a patient)
5. Tuck in your shirt (and don't have an attending have to tell you this)
6. Take turns (don't answer every.single.question that the attending asks, you just look like a smartypants)
7. Don't take things that belong to others (don't be jacking my gel pens! they are the best for charting)
8. Don't hit people...especially patients, even when they are annoying you. Although I must say my patients never annoy me the way my classmates do.
9. Wash your hands before you eat. And after you do a pap smear. Among other times.
10. Put things away when you're finished with them (don't leave your sponges and needles in anyone's abdomen)

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